Saturday, 13 September 2014

Whistles Sale At John Lewis - Hurry!

I came across a gorgeous top whilst browsing for a client the other day by Whistles but via John Lewis.  It was heavily discounted.  I popped back on today to have a look and they have some real gems on there.  Frustrating as it is, they still have items listed that aren't in stock so you have to sift through but I think it is worth it based on the reductions alone.  Here are a few of my top picks.  I am so tempted by the first two but they aren't on my shopping list....... 
PS I've added links to the ones shown but if you just type Whistles in the search box everything will come up, including non-sale items).

£115 down to £55 Jenna jumper (wool) (updated after published, it's £35 at House of Fraser and in black also!)

£95 down to £30 Adora jumper 
£75 down to £30 Skater skirt

£125 down to £35 - now gone online I'm afraid, teasing I know by sharing but you may be lucky in store
£115 down to £35 Gracie Short (Michelle, I was thinking of you!)
£185 down to £60 Fee Sandals

£165 down to £45 Mystic mountain dress

I've caved.  But on what?!?  There is a method behind my madness, honest.  I promise to fill you in if it's a successful purchase!

PS I've just seen House of Fraser also have some pieces online so check there is your size is out of stock.  Most prices are matched however as now noted above, the first jumper is £20 cheaper with them!)


  1. ooh but have you seen the new season collection from Whistles? I am never a 'new' shopper, but it is so beautiful and different that I am saving my pennies!

    1. Not had a proper look so far, only a few pieces online but what I've seen I've loved but sometimes I find their prices a little harsh x

  2. Think it would be the putty sandals for me but what would Natalie go for??? Hmmm not sure x

    1. No more shoes (unless holiday sandals...!) for me for a while! Order's arrived! x

  3. Why thank you Natalie! Yes I am a sucker for anything named after my daughter and those shorts are absolutely gorgeous.....what a great find!! Whistles do such great reductions, I tend to only buy from them either from their outlet that's not too far from me or when there is a sale or discount voucher flying around! I can't wait to see what you've of the skirts maybe? xx

  4. I hope you have the black skirt. Can't wait to see! It would look fab with that cream jumper x

  5. I love it when you can pick up items, from Whistles, in the sale or when Grazia do a cheeky 25% off. I am looking forward to seeing what you went for. H xx

    1. I've only tried 1 of the 2 items on and I'm not connived so far. We'll see! x

  6. I'm hoping you went for the dress because I think it would look gorgeous on you ... but I'm thinking maybe the shorts for your holidays???


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