Wednesday, 10 September 2014

The One About The Boots

So after my last post on my purchases in August, I promised to share some pictures of the new items in action.  It has turned into a post pretty much about the boots though!  There I was deliberating over which colour to keep for at least a week, then once I decided, there was no stopping me wearing them!  

Top; J Crew
Skirt; Moschino
Boots; Topshop
Bag; Prada
Worn for the first time was my Moschino skirt from this blog post.  I was thrilled when I found it in the Bath TK Maxx but hadn't worn it yet.  I was starting to think it was a bad purchase as I couldn't get it to work for me, then the boots arrived in my life and the fate of it was decided!  Due to the tie being at the side, it had to be worn with a top tucked in. 

Photo bombed after an exciting party day (then poor Great Nan was about to get a headache of a visit!)
I love the frill around the front and yes, those are trainer socks you can see (from this angle only!)
The first outing for them actually came with my bargain Zara top and my very old and pretty faded black Topshop jeans, with a big turn up (I am rather partial to a turn up!).

Top; Zara
Jeans; Topshop - Baxter's (they don't make 'em like they used to...)
Boots; Topshop

Lastly and probably my least favourite outfit with them was teamed with my Gap jeans and new silk Whistles top.  Not 100% sure on looking back if I like this combination but I was in a hurry, it was way to early on a Sunday morning so it had to do. 

Top; Whistles
Jeans; Gap
Boots; Topshop
Bag; Balenciaga

What originally made me keep this colour boot was that I'd tried them on with a dark blue jean and loved them together.  However my favourite look so far is with the skirt, I love them with the polka dot.  I think the black would only have extenuated my short legs by having a dark blob on the end of them.  The nude colour works perfectly.


  1. I love the boots with the skirt too fellow backstreet boy fan! I'm already looking to go back to the wood green tk maxx!

    1. Oh it was such a good store wasn't it, definitely deserves a return trip! x

  2. Those boots are going to wear out - go buy another pair now! They look absolutely fabulous with everything!

    1. Just looked on Topshop to see if they are still selling them.....but no, sticking to my guns, not the same pair and not this month! x

  3. Natalie loving you in the Whistles top outfit - so pleased you got the lighter colour they will go with everything. You are also my TK Maxx Hero - Moschino skirt!! I need a TK's trip next time I am up North x

  4. You definitely went for the right colour. I'm very jealous that you have the silk whistles top, I looked at that for ages but would have bought like a shot at that price! And what an amazing find with skirt.
    Abbi x

    1. The full price was a bit steep wasn't it, I got lucky! x

  5. I love the Moschino outfit - you look fab as always. Might have to see if I can find those boots in NY next week! xxx

    1. They are on sale in the UK at the moment, so may be cheaper here?x

  6. I like your last outfit the best actually, Natalie. Glad you went with this colour - they had my vote. Lynne x

    1. Really - and there's me thinking it perhaps didn't work! Thank you x

  7. LOL at the trainers socks Natalie!! They are such a great buy & look great with all the outfits I think! Ax

  8. They were a great buy and I too like them with every outfit. I'm also very jealous of your Whistles top :(

    1. Was a gem wasn't it. The kids weren't best pleased at being made to wait for 15 minutes in the shop whilst I scooted round grabbing loads but needs must....!x

  9. Oohh seeing this post has made me excited by my black ones due to arrive any day! My fav outfit is the one with the Zara top - that's a lovely top! x

    1. Oh don't, I am still lusting after those black ones too! x


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