Thursday 15 October 2015

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I was nominated by the lovely Becky over at re:style blog to join in the fun and answer some questions about me.  So I'm going totally off piste with this blog post!  However, sometimes it's good to know just that little more about the person behind the writing so in an effort to do that, here are my answers to the question's she's asked;

If you were Prime Minister for the day, what would be the first law that you would pass?
Most definitely that you have to re-take your driving test after a certain period of time - something like 20 years.  We could all do with being updated on the Highway Code and some people shouldn't be on the road!

Do you have a party trick?
Not now no, I am very boring but when I was a kid my Mum used to make me do my Prince Charles voice which apparently was very funny (that doesn't mean it was good - could have just been a Mothers love thing going on there).

What is your most irritating habit?
Quite possibly a few too many to mention but my husband would probably say its that I tend to wake up by the time I've got into bed and want to have in-depth discussions when we should be sleeping! Or maybe when I ring and sing 'I just called to say I love you' to my friends and family and they are in a meeting and my voice sounds like a drowned rat but they don't feel they can hang up.

Country or city?
Hard one.  Pretty much always city but age is getting the better of me and I love coming back to the Buckinghamshire countryside when I've been in the city now.  Currently looking at a little relocation to a nearby village - I've put a limit on how far away we are to the train station to get me into London though.

What was your favourite subject at school, and why?
I had two - Maths and Languages.  I loved speaking French and German and was fluent in both by 16 - sad to say I'm now very rough around the edges on both.  Maths was so rewarding for me as I enjoyed working through sums and getting an answer.  I used to be academically clever back in the day.......

Have you ever lived and worked abroad?
I was born in New Zealand and moved to the UK when I was 4.  At 18 I randomly decided to move to Switzerland and be an Au Pair for a French speaking family.  I lasted 4 months, I missed my family far too much and have lived within 5 minutes drive from my parents ever since.  (potential move means we may be 15 minutes away by car - it's going to be tough on me!).

What was the first record you bought, and if you could choose just one desert island disc, what would it be?
Taylor Dayne - Tell It To My Heart on cassette!  Now that's tough, it would either be Neil Diamond or Backstreet Boys.  Yes I know, I have good music taste.

What would be your dream holiday?
Sunshine, a warm sea (Dubai has been the best so far, it needs to be warm!), great food, shops and all my family together.  

Tell me your best joke
I'm not funny, I'm simple, I don't get a lot of jokes but my daughter doing the 'knock knock, Doctor, Doctor Who - You've just said it' joke makes me chuckle every time (told you I was simple!).

If you could go back and give your 16 year old self one piece of advice, what would it be?
That you will find a man who loves you.  I am an eternal romantic and even though I didn't have a dream re the big white wedding, I always felt like the geek/ugly duckling who no one would fancy let alone love.  I just wanted to find love and I was lucky that it happened only 3 years later, very lucky. 

So there you have it!  Some inside info on me.  I'm now going to nominate;

And these are the rules;
  • Thank the blogger who gave you the award and link back to their blog
  • Answer the 10 questions given to you
  • Nominate seven bloggers for the award
  • Write 10 questions for your nominees to answer
  • Display the award on your blog or post

And my questions are;
  • What's your favourite item of clothing and why
  • The one item of makeup you can't live without
  • Your next holiday destination
  • Someone's style you admire and why
  • Your favourite food
  • Are you a glass half empty or half full kind of person?
  • Something you would love to be able to do 
  • Current favourite TV programme
  • Do you have a nickname?
  • Your pet hate
Looking forward to the answers!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for playing along Natalie, I loved reading your answers! It's fascinating to learn more about my fellow bloggers, and great to know that you're a fellow fan of Neil Diamond :-D You do know that I'll be asking to hear your Prince Charles voice at the next meet-up though, don't you?! Great questions too, I'm looking forward to seeing your nominees' responses xx


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