Thursday, 7 October 2010

Westfield London - for parents!

Have always loved this shopping centre, but even more so after what we discovered this week-end for parents in need to shop! 95p cinema screenings for children, same price for the adults accompanying them! We missed the 11am showing of Shrek Forever due to traffic, but couldn't believe how cheap it was! Check out their website to book. Only a couple of quid booking fee, so for the 3 of us, still would have been under £5! As we were in trouble with madam for missing it, we just managed to get the last 'taxi' for her to ride around in. £2 for the whole day, and they had double seater ones too! Pick them up from the concierge desk in the car park. You can leave your pram there, there's plenty of room for shopping bags on it, and she loved to steer it around the shops! Get there early though, we got there at 11.30 on a Saturday and just got the last one.

Was also impressed by the baby changing facilities (and I can't believe we never discovered it before!). Kiddies table & chairs, Peppa Pig playing on a flat screen tv, large separate toilets, baby mats with separate sinks and even a microwave!

From memory, I think the first 2 hours are free to park in the week, and when we've gone then, it's been so nice, it does get busy at the week-ends. Parking can be expensive, we paid £14 for up to 7 hours, but it is still cheaper than the train for us and less hassle.

Of all the shopping centres we've been to with our daughter (and there's been quite a few...!!), by far this is the best. Restaurants are all fab too! You could even leave Daddy and kids with the cheap cinema showing (check website for exact details) and have a few hours to yourself! Let me know if any of you make it there and what you think! Happy Shopping!

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