Wednesday, 17 September 2014

The Whistles Order

Well, I ordered, I tried, I'm returning!  When I saw the dress I had 'Christmas party' in mind and thought I'd give it a try.  Be rude not to top the order up for free delivery and as I loved the cream jumper I added that in my basket as well.  As soon as I saw the jumper I knew it would be to short on me and I was right.  Another inch and it would have been ok but I wasn't in love with it either.  Nor was it on my shopping list this month - yes I know, when has that ever stopped me but my big holiday coming up has this time!

I would however still recommend it if you don't have as long a body as me!  The quality was outstanding, thick and soft and you could tell it was made to last.  At £95 originally I should think so too but for £30 I would say it is well worth it.  There are still some size 12's left if you fancy it, see here.  

The dress was larger than I expected and a lot more formal so I knew it wouldn't work. I love the shape of it and the bottle green colour (although in my haste ordering it, I thought it was black).  It was a long shot to be able to get a Christmas dress now but it was worth a try.  John Lewis I must say were super quick with their free delivery.  I ordered Saturday afternoon and it was with me by Monday.  Hassle free returns, will just drop it off at my post office and get proof of postage.  Anyone else started thinking 'Christmas party frock yet?  (Thank you to my lovely client who is far ahead of me and booked me for middle of October to be party frock ready in time - you've put the 'C' word in my head now!).


  1. Oh it's a shame it didn't work out but what great customer service. I do love John Lewis for that - we don't have shops here but they deliver just as fast to NI. Ax

    1. How good is that, that they are just as fast! Good old John Lewis x

  2. Shame but if you hadn't of ordered you wouldn't know. I also thought the dress was black! x

    1. Exactly Sharon, I would have been thinking 'what if...' all the time.x

  3. Aaaah, I knew that dress would look lovely on you - such a shame it wasn't a shade smaller

    1. On paper it was exactly the right cut for my frame, wasn't meant to be!x

  4. I LOVE the jumper on you and if the dress were smaller it would be stunning on you

    1. It was a gorgeous jumper but not only was I not feeling it, really trying to stick to my shopping list x

  5. Even though I thought you'd go for a skirt after the success of your H&M one.....I did have a feeling it could also be the sweater that you might order! Wonder how that might have looked with the full striped skirt going into Autumn?? Shame the jumper and dress didn't work out but yay to JL for the great customer service!! xx

    1. Now I didn't contemplate it long enough to think about it with that skirt Michelle...oops. To late now though, posted it back today! x

  6. I can see what you mean Natalie but yes it's a fab dress. I've got my Xmas Day outfit sorted (polishes halo) xx

  7. Not meant to be. Plenty more out there I'm sure! Lynne x


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