Tuesday, 2 September 2014

The Jumpsuit And A Hello!

I've been neglecting my blog for the last few weeks, I apologise.  We had a week away, a few trips to hospital (one planned for one child, one not - what can I say, the second is just one of 'those' kids that just gets herself into pickles) and I've just not had the head space in all honesty.  I have lots to say and share but not the mojo to crack on with it.  Then a dear friend messaged me today telling me she visits here daily to see what I've writen and it gave me the shove I needed, despite thinking I wasn't ready to start back again.  This was supposed to be a more substantial post but I'm all for short and sweet tonight and to break me back into the swing of things slowly.  Enough on the neglect, here is my first ever jumpsuit (not counting any childhood ones).

Hat; Forever 21
Jumpsuit; River Island
Sandals; Next

I placed an online order from River Island a while back in search of the 'Winter wedding in the sun dress' and when I returned everything to store there was lots still left in the sale.  So I did what any decent shopping Mummy would do, I handed my youngest a bag of raisins and what ever else I had on me and grabbed 10 minutes.  This was £15 and it took a few weeks to be brave enough to wear it for some reason but since then I've worn it several times.

It is very comfortable and not tight in the wrong places.  Not fab to iron but I can't grumble, the fit, comfort and style factor makes up for it.  I kept it simple style wise, I felt it was enough on its own so just added a little light print with my sandals and then my sun hat.  Happy me - just some more Summer please UK?

PS Thank you T for inspiring my return and being a lovely loyal friend, love you x


  1. Brilliant purchase Natalie...I love the jumpsuit on you! Hope your little one is ok xx

    1. Thank you Michelle. She is fine thank you, they bounce back so quickly don't they x

  2. This colour looks amazing on you! Don't you just love the power of raisins? I always have a pack in my changing bag ;) Hope your little ones are all better now x

    1. Thanks, I do like a good green! My eldest hated them so I am loving that Alice does as she hunts them out and takes her time eating them singularly!!! All fine thank you x

  3. Great to send you back, Natalie. This looks fab on you! Love the colour. Lynne x


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