Monday, 18 August 2014

The Cos Round-Up

I've just come back from a lovely few days visiting my sister in Dublin with my eldest daughter.  My sister is my true partner in crime when it comes to shopping, we could both spend hours upon hours roaming and purchasing but as we had a 7 year old with us, it was rained in.  I did pas a Cos though and as requested by Sue, he's a little round up from their latest offerings.

The midi is here to stay
Fabulous floral skirt
I've been a little late to the table in Cos appreciation but one thing that has stood out for me is their materials.  I have some great silk and cotton tops that have washed so well.  I also like the simplicity of a lot of their pieces.

Silk top £45
Silk t-shirts in a variety of colours £39
Boxy top £35
Leather shopper £135
Leather cross body bag £115
100% wool coat £150
90% wool & cashmere/polyamide balance £150
I didn't purchase as I was being pulled out of the shop to get on a Viking Tour Bus (it was worth it though, I fully recommend it if you are visiting Dublin) but I plan on spending more time in their when I get some child free shopping hours.


  1. Aww thanks girl. Much appreciated and that blue coat you features looks really nice. I don't doubt that it will probably be huge though as some of their clothing can be quite boxy but like you, they seem to use nice fabrics and I like the simple cuts - gives a bit more longevity to their clothes.

    And their sales are awesome!

    1. Yes, I definitely agree re the boxy style but in contrast I find the tops I have fit perfectly on me, even with my petite frame. I did bag some great bits for £13 each in their sale. x

  2. I do love Cos, the cut and the fabric, is always superior to a lot of other mid range stores. I badly wanted a coat from there last year, but missed my size, so must get looking earlier this year! xx

    1. From what I saw they had some great coats coming in so keep an eye out x

  3. Love Cos and have worn that dress you kindly picked up for me so much, it was worth every penny x

    1. I was in such a rush that day I barely looked around, lesson learnt! Pay proper attention and time to where you're sent to shop! x


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