Tuesday, 12 September 2017

I'm Still Here......(with a little home update thanks to Laura Ashley)

Oh gosh my little blog really has been neglected this year.  It's not because I haven't wanted to, just the pure exhaustion with what life has thrown my way the last 12 months.  Cancer, operations, seizures, family bereavements, dodgy builders, angry tradesmen, rare bricks (!), the list goes on. You name it, we seem to have had it.  I've constantly had blog posts in my head, desperate to put finger to keyboard and tell you all about things I've managed to buy along the way but time really hasn't been on my side.  I write whilst currently sleep deprived - who else tends to be more on fire when they are seriously lacking in sleep?!?!  Odd isn't it.  So, I can't promise I will be regular, but it's not because I don't want to.  My home really is my priority right now, it needs to be a proper one by Christmas as I'm hosting!  

So whilst I'm sourcing granite/quartz and flooring, I will share with you a little post I did for Laura Ashley.  I've so enjoyed writing for them, their homeware never fails to inspire me and it's these small touches that really have kept me going whilst we have been renovating our house.  Before you click on the link below, here is a before and after of my front door.  We extended out and up (there was an old porch there originally) then added a new door and knocked through the old one, opening up our hallway.  It's all still a work in progress as other areas became more important but the extra internal space is brilliant.  

To see all of the extras above, follow this link to read my full article over at the Laura Ashely blog.

PS A little heads up, there's up to 50% of furniture and upholstery from tomorrow with them! 


  1. So sorry to hear you have been through a bad time lately. I hope things will improve for you and your family.
    Take care and all the best.

    1. Hi Kelly, thanks so much for taking the time to comment (and read - I fear I've lost some readership with my inactiveness of late!). Like everyone, it all happens at once doesn't it but we get through it. xxx


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