Tuesday, 18 December 2012

The no new party dress post (sigh)

Another 'left to the last minute' outfit for the husbands Christmas works do.  This time though unlike the wedding outfit, I was not successful in my quick shopping spree.  To be honest, after spending an hour racing around Debenhams delivering outfit options to my husband whilst he waited with the kids in the changing room, I had kind of lost interest after an already very busy day.  I had selected a back up plan dress a few days earlier, my emerald green one seen in this post.  I am so glad that I didn't make a rushed decision purely for a 'one night stand' dress.  Even more so as the one I was contemplating buying in the French Connection sale I had seen on 2 ladies at the party.  I still love the dress, but one as bold as this perhaps needs to be put away for a little while then bought out again when it's no longer available.  Makes me want to buy my Christmas party dress at least 6 months before hand.  How many dresses have you bought in a rush just for an occasion for them to only end up being worn once and left hanging in the wardrobe?  Such a waste isn't it?

Instead I invested a few less pennies in having a manicure, a treat that I rarely make the time or money available for, I normally do them myself.  I have previously used Bio Sculpture, but having found them quite heavy on my nails and leaving them weak when they came off, Shellac was suggested.  So far, so good, I am really pleased with them.  I love having a cheerful colour at the end of my fingers.  They make me feel 'made up' even if I'm in a casual outfit.  The moral to my story (post) being that I was comfortable and happy in a previously worn dress, I didn't need to waste my money on a dress again, instead I spent on something I don't normally, my nails.  Manicures - going on my New Years Resolutions list, I need more of them!


  1. Oooh nice nails - I wish my hands looked like that but I am dreadful with nail varnish. If it's not perfect, it comes off even if I've paid for them painting. Your manicure looks good and neat (so anal about the finish). And glad to hear you didn't rush in to any bad decisions - its just too easy.

  2. If you lived closer, I fully recommend the lady who did mine! When I do them they are no way near as good, but you can't tell from a distance, however I'm lucky if they last longer than a day. These dried instantly and so far I'm on day 6 and they haven't chipped at all.
    Yes, it is isn't it and I hate waste! So glad I recycled a dress.
    Hope your laptop is recovering! x


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