Friday, 2 November 2012

Another peruse around Bicester Village

I think this must be my only ever shopping trip I actually put money back into my account (I returned some tops) and didn't spend a penny (even bagged a free lunch due to having to wait in Pret!).  I did enjoy a roam with my friend though, we had a great time catching up and browsing.  I found this amazing Miu Miu dress in Prada (they sell Miu Miu in there, as it's their sister company), it looked so 'Victoria Beckham' so I tried it on - purely for the hell of it!  At £350, it was slightly out of my budget but we had time and I wanted to experience it for myself, even if only in a changing room.  The quality was what you would expect, a thick luxurious fabric and the cut just as good.  The sleeves looked spectacular, however not really a dress that I could get a lot of wear out of with my lifestyle.  As always, it came up a bit too long on me, so I was pleased that as much as I loved it, it wasn't right for me in fit or for my bank balance.

There is no point in including any of the face shots taken - my eyes were closed for a change, I blame the photographer!

Victoria and her collar! 

Bicester Village was fully stocked up with lots of ideas for Christmas presents.  We had a candle over load as my friend loves them but she introduced me to The White Company's 'Tuberose' scent, so lovely with notes of Gardenia, my favourite.

Temperley had beautiful leather key rings and luggage labels starting at £12 and L'occitane (I now know it's correct pronunciation!) had loads of great offers on, especially when you bought more than one item/gift set.  All Saints was full of sequinned sparkle, ready for the party season.

Whilst quing for Prada (yes, we qued!) I spotted a lady wearing a gorgeous black coat.  It was three quarter length but it stood out as the top part was leather.  I thought it was by a designer, the cut was perfect on her and you could see the quality was good straight away.  That night I had an email through from Zara for their look book and low and behold, there it was!  I am making a beeline for a Zara store to try this on asap.  It is £119 so still a pricey coat but I honestly thought it was high end designer when I saw it on the lady.  She was wearing it casually with jeans and pumps and it looked so smart.  If I hadn't have just been let in ahead of her to the shop, I would have embarrassed my friend by asking her where it was from, I have no shame when I like something.  I say it's meant to be mine purely because I got an email the same night.........I hope it doesn't fit!

Zara Leather Biker Coat

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