Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Wardrobe Replenishment!

Thank you Bicester Village for a little help on this! After my huge clear out I said no more stripes & no more cardigans so I bought a striped dress, striped cotton top & a plain cardigan..... I keep telling myself 'Coco Chanel' and it makes my stripe obsession feel a little better. Cardi and top from Ralph Lauren. The top was £16.99, great detail with buttons, logo and split up the sides, I can tell the quality compared to my Primark versions (nothing wrong with a bit of Primark, you just get what you pay for, and had a birthday voucher so was feeling flush!). The cardigan was over £100 originally, made up of cotton, silk & cashmere, £24.99 - what an investment! The dress was from Jack Wills and was a bargain at £14!

I am also on the lookout for some new comfy jogging bottoms for around the house, so if anyone can recommend any, please shout! The problem I have is that the standard length are all so long and my Mum does enough alterations for me! My old faithful Playboy ones (don't laugh) were so thread bare they went to the rag bag bin heaven! RIP old faithfuls, it was a hard decision to part ways.

If like me you are an eternal hoarder (fashion does full circles right?) and find it hard to have a good cull, here are some tips that helped me feel like I wasn't 'wasting' the clothes I hadn't worn in years;

Tote up and do a car boot sale (out of site, out of mind, I have 3 totes ready in the garage for the carboot season!)
Rag bag bin for any holed or stained garments. My daughters school have one. If they aren't good enough to send on then they get weighed as rags and money still goes to charity.
Good old fashioned Charity shop if you can't store them anywhere.
Ebay - great for selling some of your more pricier bits and building up some funds for replenishment!
I found a local shop selling designer clothes for charity, I get half and half goes to their charity so it's a win win!

PS please excuse 'un-tidy' photos. I've decided that I just need to crack on with sharing things on here. The thought of trying to get that 'perfect' picture was always in the back of my mind and slowing me down. So I thought what the hell, we're all human after all (plus I'm sure you guys want to have a sneak peak round someones house if you're anything like me!). Crumpled bed covers from 'my own'!

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