Thursday, 22 August 2013

The Marks & Spencer Sale - Again?!

Please someone tell me if I'm completely loosing the plot, but a few weeks ago I was hitting the final dregs of the Marks and Spencer sale (I love their final mark downs) and now all of a sudden there is another one?  In the last one I managed to get the odd few cards for 50p, a bed valance for £4 but my prized bargain is this cashmere sweater for £17.  It's a size up for me, but at that price I really wasn't bothered and it felt so nice on.

I've just managed to order a few bits for my eldest in the latest sale and hooray a new bra!  The bane of my shopping life, but my current ones need burning I admit that.  Free delivery to store and it should be in any day now.  I didn't think there was much in the way of shoes this time, the sale before seemed to have all the decent ones.

Talking about sales, French Connection, Oasis, House of Fraser and Topshop to name but a few, seem to also have amazing ones at the moment so now's the time to have a root around.  Here are some of my favourite sale bargains.

French Connection; (remember party dress season is closer than you think, grab a bargain now!)

Marks & Spencer;
£29.50 down to £19
£45 down to £18


£35 down to £15

£45 down to £22

House of Fraser;

MiH jeans £155 down to £38.50
Barbour £99.95 down to £49.95

£50 down to £15

£28 down to £10

Where have you been shopping in the sales?


  1. Gosh you've been hard at work studying the sales and now you've scared me by announcing that the party season is almost upon us.

    And lucky you - £17 for a cashmere jumper. Lucky for you I wasn't there, I'd have fought you for it.

  2. Party dress season - I need to get involved! I never get any invites to wear a party dress - I need to rectify this yes?!

    Love that cashmere jumper - what a bargain

  3. Managed to snag a suit for my son, my eldest is getting married next year so I thought I might as well get it now, so I'm not complaining about M&S having another sale! Shame there wasn't really anything for me though, why can I never find cashmere for 17 quid?

  4. I irrationally want that Topshop blouse even though I know it would be useless at concealing my skin. Bugger!! Were you tempted by anything else? A Barbour perhaps?!! LOL

  5. Sorry Sue! But I have been on the look out for my froc for some time now! I hate buying in season as someone will no doubt have the same!
    It was a bargain I know!
    It is gorgeous isn't it Helen, if they had it in my size I would have bought it!
    My barbour was from a different shop, the last one, 50% off, black and perfect!!!


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